Monday, November 26, 2012


Jesienna Scena Tańca
Festival of Small Movement Art

Gryfino – Poland
November (16 - 18.11.12)

Melissa Palacio Lopez


G A L A X I S is an interdisciplinary project based on the physical phenomena of galaxies. The central themes are the result of analyzing forces which influence the behavior of matter and following the birth of the universe from its very first moments. We explore the separation of a unified embryonic force into what we recognize today. These forces make the “dance of matter” in a stark and harmonic awakening which candidly follows physical laws and recreates the fundamental source of cosmoses. From a timeless and spaceless nothing until an eventual and complex self-conscience.


  • Original Music: Kwaszak, composer and music producer (Poland)
  • Camera, costume: Lorena Vivient, visual artist (Chile)
  • Video edition: Santiago Betancur, fine artist (Colombia)
  • Software development and cocreation: Brett Richardson, Software developer (New Zeland)
  • Choreography, cocreation and direction: Melissa Palacio, dancer and Physics Engineer (Colombia)


Exploring particles in emptiness, enclosed points without route, things lost to movement before the discovery of space.
Colorful and gentle but hardy and firm; rhythym gives the body a new perspective in new grounds. Through the eyes of velocity, fields disrupt something lonesome and it revolves about axes.
A docile cloud, bustles in search of itself. These layered phenomena fall into separate forces. Just drain away with your tiny limbs, your dinky properties into wild space. Here dust and matter rains.
Take a rest and flow between the dust and brilliant soft elements will carry you; will carry your worries, your silence, your loneliness. Present yourself to your own gods and trust, trust, trust.
The winds anoint you, you blessed being. Don't be a part of this; let it go. Be awake in pieces again. Perceive a dance in the many great scales of time.
Discover your skin, your persitance and remain in a most basic state. Your harmonic movement, a simple movement to unknowing places, is perhaps lost and you must flirt and flick your consciousness through channels.
Matter of your own, oh Mother Galaxis, flee in lunatic spirals, in dust, in elipses and cinders. The effect of your physicality becomes you and your nature; wild and proud. Are you consciouss? Live through the force of ancient spirits and wisdom. Convert your own, leap and transform yourself. Join the others.

Be glad, later gods will laugh with you and you will be absorbed in flawless nothing…
So don´t be afraid of darkness, even light may not escape.
And surely, you are full of light and nonsense.

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